Air pollution is anything in the air that harms us or the environment.

There are two types of air pollution: gases — like Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and particulates — tiny little bits of stuff in the air, like smoke, soot, rubber or plastic.

Cars are the main source of air pollution in London, producing harmful gases like Nitrogen Dioxide, from their exhausts and particulate pollution from their tyres, brakes and the road. That’s why it’s important to swap driving for walking, cycling, scooting or using public transport!

Breathing in air pollution can damage our bodies, it can affect our lungs, heart and brain. It can make conditions like asthma worse, making it harder to breathe. It can also give us headaches, make our heartbeat faster and make it harder to learn things.

By walking, cycling and using public transport, and not driving, we can reduce the amount of air pollution in London, making it a healthier and happier place to live!

Try and link up to one of the healthier walking routes and always look for quieter side streets instead of roads with higher levels of pollution. To keep safe, look for marked crossing points such as, a light signalised crossing, a zebra crossing or an island crossing.

Choosing to walk along healthier walking routes helps us to breathe cleaner air, be more active and live a healthier life. It also helps us to get to know our local area, keeping it a clean and safe place to live!

Walk, scoot and wheel on the side of the pavement furthest away from the roadside as this will have a lower concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide.

Crossing the road safely — if there are no marked crossings, here are some key principles to follow:

  • Think! — first find the safest place to cross
  • Stop! — stand on the pavement near the kerb
  • Use your eyes and ears! — look all around for traffic and listen
  • Wait until it is safe to cross! — if traffic is coming, let it pass
  • Look and listen! — when it is safe, go straight across the road — do not run or walk diagonally
  • Arrive alive! — keep looking and listening while you cross
Useful links

Sign up to receive text alerts when pollution levels are expected to be high in your area of Brent.

Air quality data

Find out where Brent Council has air quality monitoring stations! 

Walking in Brent

Find walking groups, routes and self-led walks around Brent. Look out for the walk of the month!

Go Jauntly

Walking maps on your phone. These maps help you find your way to any Transport for London station, Cycle Hire station, or curated Go Jauntly walking route.

Citymapper London

Makes active travel easier by showing you how long it will take to walk or cycle to your destination, as well as the quickest route.

Green neighbourhoods

A Brent council initiative tackling the climate emergency by becoming as environmentally sustainable as possible. 

Brent Healthy neighbourhoods

Aiming to reduce traffic volume in several residential roads to improve air quality and make it easier for everyone to enjoy a safer, more sociable and family friendly community.

Green & Healthy School Streets

Aiming to increase biodiversity by planting trees, flowerbeds and rain gardens along walking routes to schools. 
